
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stretch wrap tip

I have really been enjoying carrying my newborn in a stretch wrap, but I am surprised just how stretchy some of the brands are.  I am actually planning to do a side by side comparison once my baby girl is a bit heavier, but for now I just wanted to give a little advice about using a stretch wrap.  The number one mistake I see people make with a stretch wrap is not tying it tight enough.

These wraps are stretchy and some are SUPER stretchy.  So it's important that you tie it pretty tightly before you put your little one in it.  Just how tight you need to tie it though depends on the specific wrap you are using and how big your baby is.  If you are going to put a 3 month old in it, then it will need to have a little more room then when you are wrapping a tiny 2 week old.  Also, you need to cross the straps a little lower in front of your body if you have a taller baby that you need to sit lower on your body.

Signs you may not be wrapping tight enough can be if your baby ends up way lower than when you first put them in, their butt keeps popping out the bottom of the middle panel of fabric, their head is below your chest or you cannot easily kiss the top of their head.  So when using a stretchy wrap, experiment a bit to see how tight you need it.  It take a bit of getting used to, but you'll be much happier when your little one isn't dangling down around your belly button!

For easy on-line instructions on how to use a stretch wrap, check out the Moby website.

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